Dental Implants

Are you suffering due to one or more missing teeth? Do you want a solution as similar as possible to natural teeth?

Dental implants placed and restored at our Sheboygan, WI, practice replace tooth roots and provide the ultimate support for restorations.

Learn more about implants and why your dentists recommend this solution during a personal consultation.

What Are Dental Implants?

Discover the Power of Dental Implants: Restoring Your Smile, Renewing Your Confidence

Implants are titanium artificial tooth roots that support restorations such as dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures to replace just one tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth. Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jaw and provide the jawbone with the stimulation it needs to remain strong and healthy. 

dental implant model

3 Reasons Why Dental Implants Are the Choice Dental Treatment 

Incredibly Strong

These devices are usually made of medical-grade titanium. As long as you take care of your teeth and visit our Sheboygan, WI, dental office regularly, your dental implants may never need replacement.

Jawbone Support

When you lose a tooth, the surrounding bone tissue begins to recede. Unlike non-implant bridges and conventional dentures, dental implants stop jawbone atrophy from happening. That's because the implant provides the same stimulation to the jaw that a tooth provides.


Traditional dentures are notorious for slipping out of place and causing embarrassing moments. But implant dentures stay fastened, allowing you to eat the toughest foods without worrying about your dentures.

A Closer Look at Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts that act just like your natural tooth roots. After a dentist places them in the jawbone, they begin to fuse with the surrounding tissue. This process (called osseointegration) creates a healthy, stable foundation for the long-term success of a patient's implants and restorations. Once osseointegration is complete, one of our doctors will attach an abutment to the top of the post. The abutment will connect to your final restoration—a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture. The result is a complete tooth replacement solution, from root to chewing surface.

an implant, abutment, and dental crown

Dentists have used dental implants for several decades, and in that time they have shown impressive success rates. According to the Institute for Dental Implant Awareness, these devices have shown a 95 percent success rate. Because they are such a reliable, permanent solution for tooth loss, over 5 million implants are placed every year in the United States alone.

Why Are We a Top Choice
for Dental Implants?
We Can Handle Every Step of Your Care

Did you know that many dentists have to refer their patients out to an oral surgeon for dental implant placement? This can add time and inconvenience to your treatment. Thanks to our expertise and credentials in implant dentistry, we can handle your implant treatment from start to finish right here at our Sheboygan dental office

Whether you need to replace just one tooth or an entire row of teeth, our experienced team will oversee your care every step of the way. To learn more about how dental implants can restore the look, feel, and function of your smile, contact our Sheboygan practice online or call: 

(920) 457-2255

dentist's office exterior

"Genuinely Interested in Your Care" Reviews From Real Patients


Jessica Slaminski

Sheboygan, WI


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One of my biggest fears was having any dental work done, until day, when Dr Hill and his assistant Eliza made sure I was comfortable from start to end of my visit. I never felt a thing, not even the poke of the needle from the anesthetic. It truly was life changing, and if I ever need a dental procedure again, I will no longer be in fear walking to the chair.

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Ann Bernard

Sheboygan, WI


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Everyone, starting with the receptionist and each person along the way, is cheerful, accommodating, polite and genuinely interested in your care.

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Whether you need to replace a tooth or just need a routine cleaning, we are here to meet your needs with comfort and kindness.

Are You a Candidate?

Because of the constant advancements in the field of dentistry, most patients with missing teeth can qualify for dental implants. But prior to scheduling your surgery, our dentists will check:

Your Jaw Health

If you've been missing a tooth for a long time, it's likely that your jaw tissue has begun to recede. Because you need sufficient bone tissue, our dentists may recommend a bone graft before placement.

Your Oral Health

Because gum disease can increase your risk of peri-implantitis and implant failure, you will need to have a healthy smile before beginning implant treatment. In most cases, we can provide the dental treatment you need at our Sheboygan, WI, office

Your Overall Health

Before clearing you for treatment, we will make sure you are healthy enough to safely undergo oral surgery. By quitting smoking and managing diseases like diabetes, you can reduce the risk of complications and help your body heal.

Preparing for Surgery

Once you are cleared for surgery, the team at Signature Dental in Sheboygan will provide a set of pre-operative instructions to prepare you for your appointment. In general, you will need to: 

  • Follow fasting instructions: Some forms of sedation dentistry require you to begin fasting the night before your appointment.
  • Bring a friend: Sedation will leave you unable to drive for the remainder of the day. To ensure your safety, you will need a reliable friend or family member to drive you home after your surgery. 
  • Stop smoking: Smoking increases the risk of complications during and after your surgery, so kick the habit well in advance of your procedure. 
  • Take time off work: Plan to take it easy on the day of your surgery. You may also need a day or two to relax at home following surgery.

More 5-Star Reviews "Great work and treated me great"


Angelita Rincon

Sheboygan, WI


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I look forward to every single one of my dentist appointments!! Dana is so good at what she does and such a great person to be around! She is always fast and efficient, making sure I am comfortable and cared for no matter what service she is providing!

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Mike Nechodomu

Sheboygan, WI


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Dr. Matt has always done great work and treated me great. The whole staff has always been great also and would recommend Signature Dental.

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How Do the Parts Fit Together?

Six Steps to a Complete Smile 

Every smile is different, so every procedure will be different. The length of your surgery will depend on how many implants you are receiving and the general complexity of your case. Because this is an outpatient procedure, you will get to return home soon after your surgery. After three to six months of healing, your implants will be able to support permanent restorations:

The length of your surgery will depend on how many implants you need, which depends on if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth.
The length of your surgery will depend on how many implants you need, which depends on if you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth.


In addition to numbing the treatment area with local anesthesia, you can also request sedation to help you feel calm and relaxed during your procedure.


The dentist will carefully create an incision in your gums where the implant will go.


The titanium post will be inserted into the jaw. Our Sheboygan office uses the latest tools to ensure precise placement.  


Once the implant is securely in place, one of our dentists will suture the gum tissue closed. 


Once the implants have fused to the jawbone, you will undergo another procedure in which abutments will be attached to the implants. When the gums have healed, your dentist can begin creating your permanent restoration.


You will return to our office, and your dentist will attach your permanent restoration to your implants. At this time, they can make any changes necessary to achieve a balanced, comfortable bite. You can expect your restorations to look indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Start Your Transformation Today

Because dental implant treatment can span several appointments over the course of several months, you need a talented, friendly, and highly trained team to provide excellent care every step of the way. 

Drs. Christopher HillMatthew BistanChristopher Tamsen and Kara Kaltenbrun are renowned doctors who have received extensive training in implant dentistry and are affiliated with the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and other important organizations. You can experience their world-class care by sending us a message online or calling our office in Sheboygan: 

(920) 457-2255


"Best care I have ever had!" 5-Star Reviews


Amy Bennett

Sheboygan, WI


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Best care I have ever had! Professionally yet took time to make me feel comfortable.

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Victoria Spielvogel

Sheboygan, WI


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Very professional staff, friendly and accommodating. Latest technology and pain free dental. Calming experience.

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Relax At Our State-of-the-Art Office

At Signature Dental, we want you to feel comfortable, calm, and confident during your dental visit. Our spacious dental office combines the warm touches of home with modern, polished furnishings. 

Our talented team also uses the latest techniques and tools to deliver a painless, efficient experience that feels more like a spa visit than a medical appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions  About Dental Implants

Q. How much are dental implants?

A. The cost of dental implants varies significantly from one case to the next based on the number of implants needed, the need for any preparatory treatment, your choice of provider, and many other factors. During a consultation, we can provide you with an estimated cost of treatment based on an in-depth assessment of your smile and your goals.

Q. Will insurance cover the cost of dental implants?

A. Most dental insurance plans do not cover the cost of dental implants. They may cover some of the costs associated with treatment, such as your restoration. Our Sheboygan dental practice is not in network with any insurance provider, but we are happy to help you file a claim for reimbursement. 

Q. Does dental implant placement hurt?

A. No. Before treatment begins, we will numb the area with a local anesthetic to ensure you do not feel any pain. We can also provide sedation dentistry options, including nitrous oxide, oral consciousness, and IV sedation, for those who need an extra level of comfort measure. Some discomfort after your procedure is to be expected. However, if you follow proper aftercare instructions, this discomfort should be minimal and should resolve itself within about a week of treatment. 

Q. Are dental implants safe?

A. All medical procedures carry some degree of risk. But when you choose a reputable and experienced provider, implants are safe and incredibly beneficial. Our dentists use advanced technology to make sure your implants are placed in the best possible locations and positions, minimizing the risk of implant failure and complications such as nerve damage.

Q. How long do dental implants last?

A. By maintaining excellent hygiene and visiting the dentist for regular checkups, your implants could last the rest of your life. Although restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures will need to be periodically replaced, the implants and abutments themselves have been found to last 40 years or longer with proper care.

Q. Why shouldn’t I choose the cheapest advertised dental implants?

A. Because too-good-to-be-true pricing is made possible by cheap and unreliable hardware, inexperienced dentists, minimal planning, and other cost-cutting solutions that ultimately compromise your safety and the likelihood of a successful implant surgery. We invite you to request your consultation so you can learn why so many throughout Sheboygan and beyond have chosen Signature Dental for dental implants.

Have more questions about dental implants?

A Highly Rated Dental Office

"Highly recommended office. Friendly and on time.
Extremely professional."
Mary Ellen Allen
Signature Dental Team office exterior

Signature Dental

Drs. Christopher Hill, Matthew BistanChristopher Tamsen and Kara Kaltenbrun are compassionate, comprehensive dentists helping families maintain healthy, radiant smiles for a lifetime. Our dentists are also members of various trusted organizations: 

  • American Academy of Implant Dentistry
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 
  • American Dental Association
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • Wisconsin Dental Association

To schedule an appointment at Signature Dental, call us at (920) 457-2255 or request a visit online.

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